Henry Hudson
June 1611
Explorer Gazette
Nobody really knows what happened to Henry Hudson and his loyal crewman but one day this mystery will be solved.On Hudson’s first expedition in 1609 he traveled from the Netherlands with a crew of 20 men and a ship called the Half Moon,they kept traveling north so they could find the northwest passage but they couldn’t find it so they turned the ship around and traveled southwest toward America.He sailed past Newfoundland and down the eastern coast of America.Where New York is today,Hudson found a harbor and a river that followed into it.Thinking the river might be the Northwest Passage to the Pacific ocean,Hudson sailed up it.When the river became too shallow,he realized it was not the Passage.He turned around,while he sailed along this river,Hudson traded metal for furs from local indian tribes.The Dutch soon set up trading posts along this river,which was later named the Hudson River.In 1610 England hired Hudson to find the Northwest Passage Hudson sailed off to Northern Canada in a ship called the Discovery.He was sure he had found the Northwest Passage when he discovered a 450 mile long passageway.I think Hudson died of hunger because he was in Northern Canada in spring and they probably couldn’t find anything to eat.
Should every kid get a trophy?
I think every kid should not get a trophy,for one because sometimes kids don’t earn their trophy,for two people are not always going to be good at something.Like me because I am not always going to win at everything.I’m not very good at everything including basketball and soccer
My favorite part
The book we are reading is called Willow Creek Home.It’s a good series and I really think you should read it because it’s coming out with a new book called Spirit of Iron.My favorite part was when Mina fights off the indian by spitting in his eyes and kicks him in the chest making the horse loose control and made Mina fall down a hill.Wich is before Tucan savesĀ her and brang her back to papa.
Awsome balloons
Today we saw a hot air balloon that was made by remax realty.One fact is that the first aircraft was a hot air balloon.The second fact is that the first hot air balloon was made in the mid seven teen hundreds.My third fact is that a hot air balloon has to have hot air to rise.My fourh fact is that it takes five thousand six hundred forty five basketballs to fill up the inside of the balloon.My last fact is that molecules rise to the top of the balloon to make it rise